Festival Season is on! Here's a little peak into our recent trip to Cali for the Whole Earth Festival in Davis. One of our favorites, I thought it was all gonna be so nice 'n mellow this time. After all, it's a straight shot down I5, the hotel is booked, the sheets are cotton, the festival is only blocks away and Whole Earth is one of the sweetest events ever...
Just as I hand the wheel over to my co-pilot and begin to settle in for a nice back seat nap, the old Dodge starts shakin'...worse and worse. What now? Surely this old rig is finally done for. But no, just a flat tire and with it, a moderate delay. Back up and running in no time.
At set-up time, we only forgot a handful of booth items. Well, we still seem to be reinventing the wheel every spring. Still wondering how my friendly competitors do it. They roll in right no time. I'm late. They are clean and refreshed, I feel like I ran a marithon. Their booth feel spacious and organized, mine is a chaotic mess of the cuties fashions you've ever seen. Oh well.
And night life? No thanks, I'm way too tired after a day of pleasing ladies... I'm all about going back to the hotel room to count my earnings, mind racing forward to what new styles can finally come to life with these funds. And my kids. Who's birthday am I missing this time? Well, I'm coming home with money at least. Gifts for everyone and a family dinner for sure...
There is nothing in the world like the feeling of heading home from a festival. Usually going north through Mount Shasta. Stress behind me, a pocket full of love, ideas ignited and dancing like sugar plums in my head. And smiling faces waiting to greet us... kids, cat, dog, house, design board, bills payable, orders on the website and grandma is there to. How am I so blessed?